When to start outsource marketing?
Reviewing the results of marketing efforts is key to the business success. It is time to review your marketing strategy if you faced some scenarios below.
1. You cannot get expected results from in-house team
Your marketing team is working hard as they can do, but the result and performance still far from your expectation. Campaign optimization are limited, but team members are keeping work to get the next campaign out. So they end short of hitting their goals.
If it’s been months or even years not launching a successful marketing campaign it might be time to outsource marketing.
2. Your marketing team or individual is overworked
There are copywriting, graphic design, search engine optimization, web/app development, CRM and acquisition, email marketing and more. How many people in your team? Two, three, five? A graphic designer is not a copywriter and vice versa, managers cannot expect so much from one marketing employee.
One person can not handle everything that’s involved in effective marketing that’s for sure. Are they being overworked? The best thing you can do is ask.
3. You’re always running behind the marketing plan
How’s often you had planned Effective time management in marketing campaign delayed?
You were planning a new social media campaign this month, but again, you move it to next month due to ran out of time. You’re rushing to get the offers and social media posts out before a holiday. If you feel like you’re always in panic, you might need some necessary strategies and systems in place to run your marketing.
4. Tasks driven marketing instead of strategy driven
Sharing a Facebook post or IG posting is useless unless you have a clear goal. Being active on social media is not a strategy. Checking off a long task list might feel rewarding but they could be time wasters instead of business generators.
As a business, you have revenue goals but if you don’t have the proper strategy in place to meet those goals, then you might want to consider hiring an agency.
5. Moving out from traditional marketing to digital marketing
Traditional marketing is dead (even we are not agree). You hear it everywhere!
If your company primarily in traditional marketing and want to increase digital side you should consider outsourcing your marketing. A digital agency that knows the industry, can help you to put together a digital strategy that will target your ideal buyers without ignoring your current customers.
Last but not least
Before hiring, please identify your company goals. Where are you currently at and where do you want to be six months or 3 years from now. Digital agencies work off performance goals. And the performance is in the numbers and results.
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Our goal is to service your needs, within your budget, to attain the desired results you set forth.