Presentation Design 產品/活動簡報設計
We are professional in crafting strategic, financial and planning topic presentation. 我們擅長設計及制作以戰略,財務和計劃為題的簡報。
Instead of providing a ton of information to your target audience during presentation, let present it in a way of infographics and visualization to persuade and interact with them. 簡報是一場「跟觀眾交流」的舞台。以圖像化的數據分析,合適的圖片說故事,令複雜的簡報內容視覺化。以邏輯說服及感動的故事令觀眾信服及印象難忘。
Multi-purpose design styles including |多功能設計風格包括 :
- Professional design and content arrangement | 專業簡報設計及內容安排
- Infographics, tables and different charts | 信息圖表,表格和資料圖表
- Research report | 研究報告
working days 工作天 : 2-5